Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm stuffed.

Thought I'd add a China pic to see my new, slightly svelte form. When I started this blog, I was 23 lbs. In this pic I was 7 lbs lighter than I am now... 198. My hubby and I took a week's vacation with our two closest friends and jetted off to Beijing. This is at the Forbidden City. That trip was probably in my top 5 for best memories ever. Maybe top 2 or 3 even. Amazing. Gorgeous. And, of course, it helped that the couple we went with were (and are) some of the most amazing people I've ever met!!

Absolutely stuffed. I feel like Ive been eating all day, but it's been good stuff!

Breakfast: oatmeal (I forgot to bring pb or a banana to work to mix in... enter protein powder and 1/2 packet of sugar free hot cocoa)

Lunch: Salad buffet in my department at the office. Salad, a breadstick, carrotts, celery, cucumbers, fresh fruit

Dinner: 1/2 Panera Bread Chicken Artichoke sammie with a cup of vegetable pesto soup and an apple.

Really, I've eaten it all very close together. Now I have my whole evening and I have to watch it!!!

I've returned to my medical billing office. In this topsy turvy world, sometimes you must settle for the sure thing. I'd love to move on soon, but we'll see. Free benefits and good pay? Can I turn it down?

The hubbie is off for a game night with the boys. I, however, am off to visit some old friends and have a theological/philosophical evening. It should be wonderful to see old friends again and fellowship with them, something I've been desperately missing for a year.

I'm loving the blogs. I have a years worth of posts to read from many people. I've sure got some reading material to go through!

Scale today says 204. 1 lb down, at least. I must go, but I'll leave you with another tidbit of the day...

Get your walk on. In China, people walk or bike everywhere. The small cities haven't adopted Walmart mania yet, so you can actually walk to the butcher, then the bakery, then the open air veggie market, the bookstore, small independant tailors, bicycle repair shops, etc. I loved walking to the store, my friends' flats, and school.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm back!!!!

I've returned to the lovely U.S. of A. Actually, I returned on 2/1. But I've been busy with life, moving, starting work, and generally just adjusting back into life in a western country. I love it; I hate it. I miss China :( But life here is good.

Since this is a DIET blog, I should give an update on that stuff first, I suppose. Well, towards the end of my time in China I was a naughty girl. I fell absolutely in love with authentic Chinese cooking. I went out to eat at least 3 or 4 nights a week. At one point, I was down to 194 lbs... but it crept back up to 209! Once I returned home, I went back on a healthy eating plan. I'm back down to 205, but it's a struggle. I've really learned the importance of exercise; but man, do I hate it!

I've moved to an area right near the heart of downtown. After living in Fuyang and enjoying the freedom of walking to the supermarket, the park, walking to the corner to buy milk or toilet paper, I wanted to capture that lifestyle here at home. I now live a couple blocks from everything. A YMCA (which I plan on joining once the finances get more stable), a grocery store, a butcher, coffee shops, a library, restaurants, the zoo... it's heaven!

The other thing I've mentioned here quite often is my marital relationship. I am happy to say that it is in the recovery stage. Living in China taught me a great many things. I've learned, grown, and become a better woman for it. The self confidence it has given me is very attractive to my husband, I think. We get along better. We enjoy more similar things. I have realized the importance of being my own person, with my own interests, friends, etc. And I love it!

Anyway, I have many blogs to catch up on. I regret that I was unable to blog in China. I had so many stories to tell! I guess I will just have to pepper them into my posts now that I'm home.

Chinese tidbit for the day:

Make eating more difficult! I understand now why so many Chinese people are at a healthy weight than Americans. Eating is more work! You need to use chopsticks. Their meat dishes have bones in them. You have to eat around them, and pick it apart. Snacking means munching on sunflower seeds, in the shell. If you have a serious sweet craving, go to the corner store and buy a stalk of sugarcane. They will peel it and chop it up for you right there! Bring it to the office and share. everything is packaged carefully; cookies are packaged in groups of 2 or 3 cookies; even oreos! You'll think twice before ripping into three of them.

Anyway, some things are hard to carry over; I'm hoping I can fulfill my sugar cane cravings SOMEWHERE when I have them; but either way, the idea of keeping my snacks limited to fresh, real foods will definitely help me.