Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Tuesday = my favorite day of the work week.

I’ve explained in the past my love for The Biggest Loser. That is a major reason that Tuesdays are the BEST. But also, it’s great simply because it’s NOT MONDAY. Mondays are hard. My weekends have been… not so enjoyable lately. Also, at work, my late day is Mondays. So I have to be at the office until 5:00 (something I HATE!) taking patient phone calls. The worst job in the entire office. Tuesdays, I don’t. Today, I’m leaving at 2:30! Wednesdays are hump day. It’s just blech. Thursdays feel like they SHOULD be FRIDAYS. Fridays move at a snail pace. So basically, Tuesdays are the BEST.

I’m making my Tuesday even better today by washing my sheets and making a yummy, healthy dinner. I LOVE freshly washed sheets. And when I was thinking of how to make my night better, I thought “I want to sleep on the fresh sheets TONIGHT!” Sheets fresh out of the dryer are an unparalleled pleasure. Not from the linen closet; sheets that still smell like fresh detergent and dryer sheets. Sheets pulled so tight that there isn’t a single wrinkle. High thread count. Comfy. Sheets.

Also, I’m making a meal out of Bok Choy. I’m planning on cutting up some Bok Choy, frying some bacon, and cooking them with a little garlic and red pepper. Then I’m going to have an scrambled egg or two with it. And maybe a piece of wheat toast. MMMMM…..

Things that may deter my happiness today?
A month before I leave, my office announces “restructuring”.. meaning my favorite supervisor is no longer my supervisor. And my least favorite now IS.
I have to do work for my online TEFL course tonight. A lot of work. And it’s hard to concentrate on Tuesdays. Because they are so NICE.

I’ll just have to deal with those downers, and turn my frown upside down! (I HATE when people say that!). The bright side? I’m only here for another 3 weeks. And the class IS teaching me valuable info about teaching English.


Anonymous said...

Yay for Tuesdays and the Biggest Loser. Tonight was sad though.

And I love fresh sheets too. I rarely use sheets that I have folded and put away. AND I discovered the joy of ironed sheets. But usually I only iron the top 1/3 of the top sheet and the pillowcases. Your cooking sounds fantastic. Have you thought about what you might cook in China?

HEAB said...

Oh my gosh, I totally agree. Nothing better than clean high thread count sheets!

Sorry about the restructuring at work. At least you won't be there much longer!