Friday, January 9, 2009

Chug Chug Chug Chug CHOO CHOO!!!

Scale says 217.5. I don’t blame him; he isn’t the one slacking off. But sometimes I do want to smash him against the wall.

Exhaustion… that’s what I’m feeling. I’ve been to work at 6:30 every day this week, meaning I got up at 5:15-5:30 every morning, and worked until 4:00 – 4:30 pm. We have an online course to finish before we leave for China (February 20!) and we just started it last week. It’s usually a 6 month course, and we are fitting it into 1 month. That means Amy doesn’t get nap time. My brain is fried! Last night the hubby planned on going out after work with some friends. Usually, this means that I lay awake until he gets home; I’m not a great sleeper, and in our studio apartment, I’m always on edge thinking “If I fall asleep, I’m gonna have a heart attack when he comes in our front door” (and that never fails to be true). Figuring I didn’t want to spend another night staring at a computer screen, after doing it for 11 hours at work, I went over to my mom’s and hung out with Mom and sister.

Mario Party for Wii was played, Grey’s Anatomy was watched, and Arby’s was consumed.

I was dropped back home at 11:15 pm. Crawled into bed, set the alarm for 5:15, and laid staring at the ceiling until 2:30, when husband came home.

Today is another long day at work. Afterwards, since I didn’t work on my class yesterday, I am going to be dropped off at Barnes and Noble café to do that all night long. Tomorrow (ON A FREAKING SATURDAY!!) I have to be in the office at 6:00am for another 6 hours of overtime. Honestly, I’m dragging. I used to be able to do this all the time. But now, with the stress of relationship woes, lack of sleep, and stress over leaving the country in a month, my brain is on overload.

Maybe I should take up yoga.

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