Friday, December 19, 2008

French Women and Timeclock Christmas Wishes

Yesterday I finished a fabulous book; French Women Don’t Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure. I absolutely HEART this book. There are so many absolutely wonderful points in it. Here are a few of my favorite points (paraphrased, because I don’t currently have the book with me).

French women eat smaller portions of more things. We eat larger portions of fewer things.
French women take time to enjoy their food. They smell it, taste it, let it melt in their mouths. They never eat on the run.
French women take the time to focus on their meals. They sit at the table without the TV. They pour a glass of wine and artfully arrange food on their plates.
French women eat good food in moderation. They don’t eat nonfat, lowfat, or sugar free. They eat the best bread, the best chocolate, and the best cheese, and because of that, they need less to feel satisfied.
French women don’t set time aside to exercise. They walk all day long. They take the stairs up to their apartment instead of the elevator. They lead more active lifestyles.
French women eat large mid-day meals and light suppers, usually soup.
French women drink a lot of water.

There are more points I could hit, because there were so many great ones in this book. It’s about a lifestyle, not a diet. They can enjoy food in a way we usually don’t. They would not imagine of eating a snickers bar as they walked out the door. They will sit down with a glass of wine and a couple small pieces of good, quality chocolate. Not the milk chocolate stuff, but the dark stuff. They savor the flavor, and take in all of the great antioxidants as well, without all the added sugar and junk that our milk chocolate has in it. There are some great soup recipes in this, and also a yummy breakfast idea!

Banana Pie
½ cup plain yogurt
½ banana, sliced thin
Wheat germ

Mix together with the amounts of wheat germ and honey that please your tastes. Enjoy!
It seems so simple; but definitely something I’m going to try, now that I have wheat germ in the house!

I can’t seem to get back into my diet groove! Yesterday I didn’t do terrible, but I felt undernourished a bit, and I went to bed with a seriously rumbling tummy.
Breakfast: ½ asiago cheese bagel with cream cheese
Lunch: yet another sampler platter. Reduced fat triscuits, laughing cow, healthy choice deli ham. Some raw green beans and hummus. Yogurt and cherries.
Snack: tootsie roll (100 calorie package)
Dinner: garden salad with cucumber, carrots, green peppers, and broccoli with raspberry vinaigrette. Fruit cup with strawberry, pineapple, watermelon, cantelope, and kiwi.

The issue? I didn’t have filling snacks. And my dinner was very low calorie. BUT, at least I saw something remarkable this morning: Scale says 214.5. 24 ½ lbs are gone from my tubby body, never to return (well, at least not to return PERMANANTLY). And that feels GOOD.

I leave you with a bit of Christmas cheer this morning, found in my work inbox. Someone has a bit too much time on their hands.
*names have been changed. At least a few of the weird ones.

Twas the week before Christmas, when all through MMS
Not a creature was stirring, especially not the cleaning crew.
The time clock had been hung by the office door with care,
In hopes that all of you soon would be there.
The employees were nestled all snug in their cubicles,
Some complaining it’s hot, next to those who were not,
and Dr. White in his ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just wanted to know how to fold this darn map.
When out in the office there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the kitchen I flew like a flash,
I looked behind the door and I looked in the trash.
The time clock’s not working, it even stopped hissing,
and Caleb’s e-mail said he thought it was missing!
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a bare wall where the time clock used to be.
Then a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Rick.
More rapid than eagles some employees they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
"Now Becky! now, Brenda! now, Lisa and Asheley!
On, Millie! On, Mandi! on Kelly and Wendy!
To the front conference room! to the top of the wall!
Now find it! Now Find it! Now find it - you all!"
And then, in a twinkling, I heard from the lobby
There’s a guy here who thinks selling art is his hobby.
As I sent him away and was turning around,
All the way from Coopersville, Bob came in with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
You see he had just replaced a bunch of light bulbs,
And he looked like a peddler, selling imported zulbs (hey…it rhymes).
His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how crimson!
And people still confuse him for some guy named Mel Gibson!
He said it was way way too cold out there,
And the beard of his chin was as thin as his hair.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
From eating all those M&M’s that he kept for himself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know that he must be brain dead.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his desk,
And wrote this little e-mail to let you all know.
That the time clock is broke!He threw it out in the snow!
So until it is fixed, or until it’s returned,
Write your times in very neatly so Deb’s not concerned.
So with that I must close, and with all of my might,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

1 comment:

debby said...

Did you know I liked this book too? Its one of the few on my recommended weight loss books list! Great minds think alike--tee hee!

Boy, you're doing great on your weight loss, too!