Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years Eve!

Yesterday was a wonderful day life-wise. I went to the mall after work and walked… bought a fluffy gray hoodie for the Husband. Diet wise, still fell. I don’t know what is going on these past few weeks. I’m having such difficulty trying to put full effort into my diet, and into my relationship. If anyone has some wonderful wise advice, feel free to share; I think, however, the answer is just to DO it. *sigh*

Anyway, today is going to be a good day too; I’ve already decided that. I have to work until 3:00, then home for a little nap. After that, it’s off to the in-laws for a fun filled date night of dinner, movies, and games. I love my in-laws; they’re quirky, sweet, funny, and genuinely fun to be around. And I’m very glad that Husband decided to spend New Years with them instead of in a bar with his work friends.

China update? We were told we have a possible placement in Zhejiang province, on the east coast. It is a high school. We’re getting really excited, but the nervousness is kicking in too. They may want us as early as 2/20 – that means less than two months away!


Anonymous said...

Very glad for you about the New Year's Eve plans. Yikes, on China. I sure would like your marriage to be on better ground before going to another country...

Di Hill said...

I didn't realize you were that close to going to China. I am in Zhejiang province too. China's first semester for 2009 starts in mid February, so they'd be keen to get you on board. Go girl!